Actress, Art, Music, Model, Choreographer, Author, Fitness, Beauty and IT
Sheba Bonita Janelle Trini MaMi
Miss tiny waist with an attitude
Sheba Bonita Janelle Trini MaMi🖤 YT – Sheba Bonita Janelle Trini Mami
T – Sheba Bonita Janelle

Model ~ Fitness Model ~ Author ~ Songwriter ~ Art ~ IT-Choreographer – Loves to Cook
YT – Sheba Bonita Janelle Trini Mami
T – Sheba Bonita Janelle
YT – Sheba Bonita Janelle Trini Mami
T – Sheba Bonita Janelle
Collection of Sheba.Bonita
Janelle Worth
Sheba.Bonita.Janelle Worth is an unbelievable beautiful Supermodel, Fitness Model, Singer, Songwriter, Author, Choreography, VIP Assistant, Actress, Drawer and Painter. Where her beautiful unique curvy figure dominates and showing off her fitness goals. She works out for herself. Most importantly, she looks for herself too.
Dress, Sheba.Bonita Janelle Worth
Janelle about the importance of loving the skin that you are in. Especially, in regards to fitness and body happiness. Key word, my body. Most importantly, I monitor what I eat and all types of cardio is one of my best friends . Sheba.Bonita.Janelle
Sheba Bonita Janelle Worth featured in magazine spreads around the world from CVS, Barnes Nobles and other major suppliers/ projects.
PR Guru, I have worked as a VIP assistant and similar titles for high established companies.
Saks•Bal Harbour Shops (Bal Harbour, FL)
The Heat Group (Miami Heat Arena)
And HHW GROUP LLC • (IT) Information Technology
Cobertura de relaciones públicas / Solo buena prensa
List of businesses ⬆️ who have
worked with HHW GROUP LLC
“Simply, I am committed to excellence
and passion.” – Miss Worth
The topics of interest: IT (Technology), Sports, Highlights of Athletics, Educational Resources, Charities, Entertainment, Music, Trends, Beauty Cosmetics, Elephants, Solutions, Fashion, Brands, Cultures, Food, Jewelry, Arts, Design, Anthropology, Cooking, Health, Chemistry, Endangered Spices, Space, Discovery and various crises in the world.
- Pertaining to, PR • Good Press
- Experience: Advanced. I have the ability to maximize wins by analyzing and understanding what most people except from various levels that entitle service.
- Straight to the point. Simply, I get down to what most customers ideally want to see or hear. In any field of service, event or the situation.
Sheba Janelle’s Art Education
-Harvard University Graduate School of Design (Online) Cert.
-The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum (FIU) Drawing Salons
Art Work by
Sheba.Bonita Janelle 🖌⬇️
Tap link to see preview ⬇️ of more art.
Keep in mind, all art showcased can change at anytime.
Some hobbies include:
Chemistry Tutor, previously invited to join ACS.
Enjoyable learner:
Interesting subjects
Keep in mind, Sheba Janelle Worth is a published author. More details about her songwriting, writings, art and cooking are near the end of this page. Una compositora and more y más
CEO of Villa de Sheba, online boutique (Currently, I’m only dealing with other luxury traders or by reference. Luxury to me, means many things. Your company just has to be a brand that I believe in.) Experience in fashion includes: Previously, I worked for Saks at the Bal Harbour Shops | Bal Harbour, Fl
Creativity General Interest / Design
Handbags | Watches | Pens/pencils | Hair pens | Pillowcases | Clothes |Scarfs | Plates | Jewelry | Lamps
Sheba.Bonita Janelle Favorite color:
Pink and Purple
Sheba.Bonita Janelle Lives? :
Currently, resides in Miami, FL
Actualmente, reside en Miami, FL
Sheba.Bonita Janelle Worth Ethnicity:
Trinidadian Venezuelan
Venezuelan de Trinidadian
For all business inquiries : [email protected]
Preguntas de negocios
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Elephant Lives Matter
SongWriter | Singer Sheba.Bonita Janelle
Sheba’s Music Education:
-Harvard University Music Cert. (Online)
-BC of music• Advanced Vocal Recording Technology Cert. (Online)
Songwriter•Sheba (Words and Flow) All rights reserved, Sheba copyright 2018 • snippets
Musical Projects featuring Sheba
My songwriting career started with being one of the members in a singing group called The Girls. Went on to be featured (model) in major music videos along side great talent. Ever since, I kept writing all music genres. Songwriting will always be a huge part of my love for embracing uniqueness. Excelling above the boundaries of creativity in so many imaginably ways possible.
Beyond Music, writes for all music genres. Pop | Rock | EDM | Alternative |Hip hop | Indie Gospel |Remix Gospel | Alternative Jazz | R&B |Melodies | Hip hop | Indie Gospel |Remix Gospel | Alternative Jazz | Opera | Melodies | Indie Rock | Indie Electronic | Rock |Contemporary Pop Techno | Edm
Copyright 2020 Sheba (All rights reserved)
Literature style: Anthropology | Science | Creative writing ethos, pathos, logos | Poetry | | Comic-relief | Theology | Fiction | Children books | Short films
Novels by Sheba |Hearts Podiums • The Library of Congress
Writings by Sheba Published by Vocal Creators • Vocal Media
Handwriting Lover by Sheba
Food by Sheba
Exercise Life by Sheba
Balanced Happiness by Sheba
Excelling above the boundaries of creativity in so many imaginably ways possible. Art studies with Harvard Graduate School of Design Cert. online. My art life is made up of vast creativity stemming from stain glass pieces, drawings, design, styles, art, clay, paint, graphics, wood pieces, wood carving, textiles, fabrics, and clay materials. Interestingly, science has also shaped my contemporary art style. In addition, various drawing salons at Frost Art Museum (FIU) really enable me to advance my abstract drawing techniques. Well, formation is what I personally live for.
Ironically, I grew up around a lot of family who could sew very well; materials, silk fabrics, or pretty homemade accessories. Therefore, my childhood memories was full of running around sewing machines. Tripping over sewing threads, flowers, bows, playing with buttons and plenty of visits to the local fabric stores. Therefore, I am a natural-born creator who really loves every second of it. To the point where I even worked at one of the most recognized luxury establishments in the nation; Bal Harbour Shops as a merchandiser. Beyond happy times, setting up all of the luxury wear in a special iconic flow. Matching the colors and planing elaborate setups for different vendors.
Wonderful the journey has been, because just like all types of art includes connecting the dots. Well, so does music with putting together melodies. Thankfully, I have been very fortunate with placements in major projects in my life; even if it was just for actress/modeling purposes. Most importantly, I am beyond thankful to train in arts and music courses with online Harvard University and etc. Songwriting will always be a huge part of my love for embracing uniqueness and motivating others to do the same.
Between arts and music it was always a given that I would soon in time become a writer. Well, a story-teller to be exact. Tapping into in-depth fantasy and history views. Particularly, the unknown ideas, healers, earth plane fields, wisdom and soul connections. Some of my most notable works are published in the Library of Congress (United States of America). Feel, free to continue exploring my life of art, literature, fashion and music. Dream art and music, but most importantly dream big.
Some of Sheba Janelle’s 🥘 Cooking:
One of Janelle’s favorite place to eat:
Whole Foods 🥦🥬🍉
Teddy Bear 🧸 Collector
Adorable Animals

❤️Collection of Sheba Bonita Janelle ❤️